- {著作} : バグダッドの秘密◆英1951《著》アガサ?クリスティー(Agatha Christie)
they came to baghdad 意味
- "they came piling out of the hotel lobby" 意味
- "they came stamping up the stairs" 意味
- "they came to a compromise decision" 意味
- "they came to a mutual accommodation" 意味
- "they came to an accommodation" 意味
- "they came to japan for training" 意味
- "they came to the city in search of opportunity" 意味
- "they came to the party together" 意味
- "they campaigned vigorously to have the law changed" 意味
- "they came to a mutual accommodation" 意味
- "they came to an accommodation" 意味
- "they came to japan for training" 意味
- "they came to the city in search of opportunity" 意味